At CPRC, we believe in the power of the group. Whereas an individual may find it difficult to leverage rates or make an efficient and cost-effective purchase for quality products, our interaction with our vendors provides cost-effective methods of purchase.

If you’re a commercial printer, corporate in-plant printing facility or involved in any other large printing based application and you truly want to associate with a cost effective and profit driven organization, the Commercial Printers Resource Council will prove worthwhile.

We have had success in a wide range of services for members of our industry. Current product and service offerings include the following:

Digital Presses/Copiers

For those printers who have or will be transitioning into the digital age of printing, CPRC has negotiated an exclusive equipment and service plan from Canon/Océ. Now short run work can be profitable, producing variable data is a reality and multiple color output is affordable.


CPRC networking activities on both regional and statewide levels, provide industry members opportunities to showcase their craft and technical skills. Our annual regional meetings and business and social events help promote the latest and greatest in the industry.

Buying Programs

Our buying program has enabled members to save between 15%-35%. We have aligned our program to the benefits associated with prominent vendors for aggressive pricing and superior customer service.


If your organization struggles with the management and growth of physical documents, wants to reduce the cost and footprint associated with record storage and wants to create a an information retrieval system that’s safe, efficient and easily accessible then CPRC has the right partner for you. Create your own electronic filing cabinet.


CPRC has negotiated rates and aligned the services of a RAN-ONE accounting firm. RAN-ONE accountants take the standard experience and transform it to new levels through intense client consultation and implementation. We are proud to have a firm that specializes in tax, capital, business structure, M&A opportunities and more.